Thursday, December 4, 2008

All By Myself to 4th break

Yang and WOW! Izzie in scrubs! At the hospital! Talking about sex - saying its best sex anyones ever had... says shes not going to get surgery but she is having great sex.... back to twitter laptop lady. trying to get her to try to talk, that is her problem.. her husband freaks b/c she immediately opens laptop and starts tweeting. he burst NO no more laptop no more post its.... Lexie suggest he give her space. Hes not into it...

Sadie goes to chief and tells him mutilation was her fault... AHA chief says we both know who your father is and that is why u are still here. If I were u I'd be worrying about making up for it not ( btw the lines) telling me what I already know.
Yang and AssBurger. Ass is getting all wet over braindead hollys organs. She says people are dying as they speak while hollys family mourns....

Yang goes to board where crew is waiting with bated breath... grabs sharpie, starts to write... Karev.. wtf... he can barely suture. Chief asks about choice Yang says he made the right case. Mer looks P to the I to the double S to the E to the D
OMG Karev runs to Izzies on call denny room and tells her he loves her and he thinks shes been absent b/c she loves him too. and he gets all McDreamy speech and says she doesnt have to be scared, hes not going to die, not going anywhere... he thinks she makes him better, being with her wants him to be better. and he wants her to scrub in w/ him on the solo... You love me she says??? Shut up he says. He walks out

Im really starting to not like that guy says waffle shirt from 93 DDD.....

OY flipping VEY