Sunday, November 30, 2008

Greys From 10/16 to 3rd Break

9:21 Eww they have to pull down the guys face to remove. Someone twitches and the guy is blind. Izzie tries to tell Shep that Alex stole his patient. Derek repeats, he doesn't give a crap about your personal problems. I am not your roommate in this hospital. Mark says surgery is like wild west. Alex is a cowboy. Izzie, not so much.

9:23 Mer uses Xtina's lines to impress Hahn. Hahn is going to let her sew some part of the heart back somewhere. Hahn is looking lustfully at Callie. Smiling, Bailey is giving her "the look". Xtina paged Mer to look at the dermatology residents. They get to go away on weekends and get facials, and their boyfriends don't go looking for their moms diary. Xtina is in love with Derm, no mocking, only warmth and light. LO Flipping L ( the flipping is a leftover from only typing about greys on the MB, where, as we all now know, vulgar language is not permitted.

9:25 Mother of heart failure kid sitting on floor. Kid is packing to leave, afraid hes going to die, afraid to sleep. George wants a chance to talk to him. My money is on this kid biting it. Now the guys got an excuse for sleeping all the time. His tumor the size of a baseball. He wants to go through with the surgery *dirty look at wife* got nothing left to lose.

9:26 Izzie still trying to get her patient back for surgery. He says he is not the traffic cop of the playground, she says this is not the playground it's the wild wild west and you are the sheriff. Can't you be the sheriff. Izzie says give me back my surgery or I'll shoot your ass off. Nurse looks at her very disapprovingly. She says "he stole a really big surgery" Nurse not impressed.