Sunday, November 30, 2008

In the Midnight Hour to 4th break

Mer and Xtina furiously working on Sadie. NO code team b/c not in an or in the middle of the night, Mer sends Lexie to page chief and take that crazy look of her face.

Sloan and Der. Sloan talks about kid being tired must be scary going to bed at night not knowing what you're going to wake up to. Der says sounds like living w. Mer. Sloan says he never thought about Lexie until Der planted seed.

Alex gets stomach girl to say " I believe that you believe it was a pimple thats the best I can do." Her husband goes "NO POOP FOR YOU!!" and goes to walk out. Alex stops him and says she can lie and tell u what u want to hear but shes not. shes telling u whats real for her. stop walking away. she says she still think it could be stomach cancer and when she gets a headache she thinks its a brain timonsometimes she feels for lumps in her breas and then he heart starts racing and she thinks its a heart attack. The world is a scary place A million things that could kill you. I dont get how u dont see that. ( Time to order a psych consult).

Intern comes up to Bailey. Says emergency in outpatient surgery but wont say what just please please come.

Night tremor guy and sexy der: They want to run tests think has epilepsy problem is way worse than he is aware of. He says no, he just needs to take his pills and he forgot them. Girl says no he didnt forget he took them when he brushed his teeth, put her to bed, and woke up screaming. Like he has always done since ( I cringe to type this) his wife died. I try to stay awake at night because I can usually talk you back to bed but I must have fallen asleep that night. She thinks that the nightmares caused by stress and she is his stress and he takes care of her so well during the day and she feels that she has to take care of him at night. Humanized Sloan tells her nightmares not cause by stress but epilepsy. So its not my fault she asks? No, honey. Hugs

Izzie and Dear Dead Denny, who henceforth will be known as DDD. She wakes up alone. Screams his name he appears in doorway. She yells that she thought he had left her alone again.

Izzie: You died and you left me here I was left here by myself. You left me all alone. Why why did you come back I got over you I have a job and a life and a boyfriend and I am in this room with you all day probably talking to myself probably going crazy and there is a real world out there and I am stuck in here with you."

DDD: I'm sorry I died

Izzie: NO. Screw You! NO You don't get to apologize for dying! You don't get to apologize for dying because I killed you! I convinced you to let me cut the LVAD and I killed you! So you don't get to apologize for dying. Dead people don't apologize.

They sit next to each other in silence until he says I love you and she says the same.

Bailey wants to know wtf is going on w/ Sadie. Lexie admits it was her ID. Stitches they did came off. She is systolic and really bleeding I am betting on Xtina saving her life and therefore Sadie will stop hating on her. Mer and Xtina ROCK. Lexipedia is realizing she's not as cool or knowledgable as she thought.