Sunday, November 30, 2008

Love is a Battlefield to 3rd break

Patients coming into ER. Izzie gets a patient. Lots of medical. Der is there offering to dive in. McBadAss does not want his help, wants the residents to learn.

Hahn, Bailey, Mer and Chief discuss Molly/Tori. Lots of medical. They've been turned down by 3 hospitals. Mer looks at Anatomy Jane.

Der complains to Chief about McBadAss. Chief complaining that it was cuter when Mer dragged that doll around when she was five...

Hahn is against doing surgery, chief wants mer to put away doll, isn't playtime.

Mer is trying to figure out w/ doll way to make surgery work, taking organs out one by one..

McBadAss teaching Alex.

Meeting in conf. room w/ family. Going to remove organs and put on ice while take out tumor. Family not sure what to do, surgery never been done before. Chief tells them it's their only shot, father says then do it.

Xtina complaining to Bailey she's not Dr. Doolittle. Bailey says the Zebras and Elephants are thanking their lucky stars for that.

Mer and Chief. Mer wants to know why chief hasn't been able to look at her all day. He gets loud w/ denial, tells her to worry about 10 yr old and not whether or not he's looking at her... Reminiscent of an earlier seasons mer - Stop looking at me!