Sunday, November 30, 2008

Greys from 10/30 - Love is a Battlefield to 1st Break

Scene opens with Mer and Der unpacking Ellis' boxes and moving her stuff around for Der's study.

Opening mono: For a surgeon, every patient is a battlefield. They're our terrain. Where we advance, retreat, try to remove all the landmines...

And just when you think you've won the battle, made the world safe again. Along comes another landmine...

Izzie waking up w/ Alex... He wants to know if they're screwing other people b/c if so he doesn't have to cancel some plans / a hot chick in peds.

Izzie: You're an ass...

Cut to Callica in bed... Looks and sounds like the Sloan method was a success for both parties..

Erica is claiming she never came so hard in her life without exactly saying it... like needing glasses...didn't get it b/c thought could see fine, but in car on way home screamed b/c finally could see things clearly for first time and didn't even now what she was missing.. going on about leaves on trees.

Erica declares shes gay like five times...
Callie has to go, like, five minutes ago....

McBadass talking to Chief and Der... Chief is saying SGH going back to level one trauma center b/c of Owen...

Xtina and Mer walking in, see Owen, X grabs Mer, runs other way and tells about kiss..Why he's back, etc.. Doesnt want to get involved w/ another attending..

Bailey and Chief @helipad. Chief is telling Bailey he wants her to be the best, be him, congratulating her on domino.. Be me, he says. Ten year old girl with an inoperable sarcoma... Telling her it is her project.

Izzie and Alex- discussing whether or not Izzie is "all in".. Izzie calls him a barbarian.

Lexie and George are fighting in hall using the word "rejection" a lot.

" I ignore your rejection of my rejection.
Mer says I don't reject you George

Bailey walks into locker room. Tells them about a skill lab except one who will help her inoperable tumor. All fight to be picked, spots Mer's anatomy Jane. Picks her b/c of it ( from opening scene)

Xtina has new intern, calls him 4.2

McBadAss comes in to teach lab, tells them will be working with live tissue.
Pulls back curtain to reveal row of pigs. Stabs them. Tells them to save their lives. Gross.