Sunday, November 30, 2008

In the Midnight Hour to 3rd break

Open to the intern surgery Sadie wants to see and they get her mirror. her appendix is inflamed. One intern panics and wants to call a resident. Sadie tells her to leave if she cant handle it. Shes gone, baby, gone.

Cut to little girl w/ night tremor dad. Sloan wants to check his stiches. Little girl starts talking to him, asks him to apologize to Der, because if she had been able to get him back to bed, she sometimes can talk him back to sleep. Sloan says but this hasnt happened for a while...right? yeah right. Sloan wants to know last time she slept. She just said shes not tired.

Lady with stomach pain. She has been diagnosing herself using the internet, bought antibiotics from overseas to treat a staff infection her ass husband thought was a pimple. and her doctor. and after she took the drugs they went away. Ass says pimples do that. Alex says now she has killed all the healthy bacteria in her body and now she has CDIF and they need to give her new healthy bacteria. He tells her what they have to do..She screamsPOOP! I need a POOP TRANSPLANT! EWW it goes up her nose into tummy~ Alex goes on to say the donor has to be someone who shares the same germs every day, like, um a spouse. OMG he says he will not shit in a cup for her until she admits it was a pimple then walks away.... ROFL

Intern who ran out of surgery club is double fisted with chocolate. Xtina and Mer are suspicious, no one has seen other interns. She screams she doesnt know anything and runs, but not b4 they take her candy. Mer says Sadie says the idiots have skill lab. Mer tries to talk to Alex about Izzie. he says he has to go give his crap patient some crap.

Lexie approaches mer she looks TERRIFIED. Xtina walks in on Stinky with charts. he is in a bed and the chart is covering his stomach he refuses to go with her when she says she needs him. He says he cant walk due to the epidural...

Cut to Izzie and Denny poistcoital. She remarks she can hear his heart beating but she knows they took it out for the autopsy. He keeps insisting it's real.

Quote Worthy Izzie: I'm just gonna keep my eyes closed. Because this is like that moment in the morning when you first wake up and your still half asleep and everything seems- things are possible dreams feel true and for that one moment between waking and dreaming anything can be real and then you open your eyes and the sun hits you and then you realize - I'm just gonna keep my eyes closed."

Blood all over scrubs and table. Panicked interns. Mer and Xtina burst in scrubbed up to hear intern say "This isn't good - I think she's dying!"