Sunday, November 30, 2008

Greys From 10/16 to 5th Break

9:40 MEDICAL medical medical.. Hurry! Xtina saves patient.

9:41 Alex: You stole my surgery!
Izzie: It's my surgery. Using me as a doormat is one thing. Screwing with my career is another. I have been wiping your snot and covering your ass for weeks now and all you've done is abuse me. You get to do that for a little while because you were heartbroken and pathetic and I'm a good friend. But it ends now. Get your own surgeries. Wipe your own snot.

Yay Izzie! ( hold on hot fries pup is making something stinky. needs to go to curb)

9:42 Xtina is Not interested in Derm, Bailey, thankyouverymuch! (lady that crashed had derm prob w/ skin on arm.

9:43 getting ready to peel guys face off. Oh how gross. Getting little kid ready to see inside of OR so he can not be as scared. George is telling him the people inside the OR are very best, safest place to be. OMG takes kid into wrong room - not the bloodless camera laporoscopic lung thingy they planned on seeing. Nope, faceless tumor guy. Where's that guys face go? George picks kid up and carries him out of room, brings him into correct one. Kid says this surgery is boring, want to go back to other one, George says, we're not going to talk about other one. Don't worry, your surgery is boring too.