Sunday, November 30, 2008

Love is a B to 6th break

Seattle at pretty...

Xtina standing against catwalk. Tells McBadAss she won't kill the pigs after she spent all day trying to keep them alive. He repeats all the medical stuff she did. He says do you have any idea how much you just learned...To keep them alive inhumane

She says seriously u don't remember my name. He says he does, but that was from b4.

He says he was part of a 20 unit ambush and he was the only one who lived. Thats what he means by b4, thats why he is here. living in the after...

Callie walks in to Erica's office. tells her she slept w/ mark sloan... says u were crying and seeing leaves but I wasn't. I will never see leaves. But I will also see flowers, who knows maybe a whole forest. Then tells her she wants to be with her but truth is she slept w/ Mark Sloan 2x today...Hahn says ok

Mer and Chief. Chief admits not imagining things, talks about how mer used to bring the doll around everywhere.. Tori/Molly has a whole army. mer only had Anatomy Jane. He feels responsible. She is a living reminder of every failure in his life. Would apologize if he thought it meant nething to her...

Lexipedia and Xtina... Xtina doesn't want to do it... Pedia says don't let them suffer.

Callie and Sloan, Callie tells him they can't sleep together for a while, then invites him for a drink. Says he's not only good for sex. She asks if she's gonna cry every time, Sloan says no, it passes..

Closing Monologue: Some wars result in complete and total victory. (Team Tori hugging and kissing, Chief looking on through glass door. George walking into apt, Lexi made dinner.) Some wars end with a peace offering. (Lexie apologizes for being EMO.. Izzie in bed by self. Alex walks in. Izzie says thought u were sleeping w/ whoever tonite. Alex tells her he's not good at relationships and talking about stupid feelings...Izzie realizes this is his way of saying he doesn't want to see other people.Laughs...Starts telling him what to say. They kiss. Down on bed.) And some wars end in hope ( Mer and Der unpacking, he finds another diary... actually a shitload of them....panicked look) But all these wars are nothing.. Compared to the most frightening war of all. The one you have yet to fight. ( Amen to that Sista!)


BohoPoetGirl said...

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for doing this. I live on the other side of the world and don't get to watch Greys right away. Your live recap keeps me sane. Mwah! :D
October 30, 2008 7:35 PM
BohoPoetGirl said...

You are soo welcome... XOXOXOXO
October 30, 2008 7:45 PM